Questa volta giornalisti e opposizione non c'entrano. A rilanciare come "gaffe" l'ultima uscita del premier è il londinese "Times": "Silvio Berlusconi, the Italian Prime Minister, appears to have made a serious verbal gaffe after telling a German TV station that the 17,000 people left homeless by the Abruzzo earthquake should consider themselves to be on a camping weekend". Queste le parole precise, registrate dall'emittente N-TV: "They have everything they need, they have medical care, hot food... Of course, their current lodgings are a bit temporary. but they should see it like a weekend of camping".
Le affermazioni del premier, sempre secondo il "Times", entrano di diritto tra le sue uscite più imbarazzanti: "His comments to the German TV station must rank among the most undiplomatic of a long career that has seen him comparing a German MEP with a concentration camp guard and describing Mr Obama, two days after his election as president, as young, handsome and suntanned".
Le affermazioni del premier, sempre secondo il "Times", entrano di diritto tra le sue uscite più imbarazzanti: "His comments to the German TV station must rank among the most undiplomatic of a long career that has seen him comparing a German MEP with a concentration camp guard and describing Mr Obama, two days after his election as president, as young, handsome and suntanned".