17 aprile 2009

Tortura e amnistia

Dopo una lunga riflessione, Obama ha deciso di rendere pubblici i documenti (.pdf) che mettono in luce gli abusi della Cia (interrogatori sotto tortura) sotto la precedente amministrazione. David Axelrod, portavoce di Obama: "As with so many issues, there are competing points of view that flow from very genuine interests and concerns that are to be respected. And then the president has to synthesize all of it and make a decision that's in the broad national interest. He's been thinking about this for four weeks, really".

Per quanto riguarda gli agenti implicati negli abusi, Obama ha optato per l'amnistia. Politico.com: "In releasing the documents, Obama also pledged not to prosecute CIA employees who carried out the aggressive interrogation practices critics decried as torture - but which were approved by top legal officials in the Bush administration".