27 settembre 2008

La stampa e il dibattito

Per Roger Simon di "Politico", ha vinto McCain. "He gave one of his strongest debate performances ever" dice Simon: "'I don’t need any on-the-job training,' McCain said. 'I am ready to go at it right now'. He certainly seemed like it Friday night".

Per Joe Klein di "Time", ha vinto Obama. "Obama did everything he had to do, with few if any mistakes. I thought McCain did less so. The early snap polling seems to agree with me, but I'd caution against taking those too seriously. This was a big event in this campaign—the beginning of the end. It will need to be digested, discussed around the water cooler and the dinner table. But the race has not been decided yet".

Secondo il "New York Times", "Mr. Obama dominated the economic portion of the debate, arguing that the Wall Street disaster was the fault of the Bush administration’s anti-regulation, pro-corporate culture. He called for a major overhaul of the financial regulatory system. Mr. McCain stuck to his talking points, railing against greed and corruption. He showed little sign that he understood the fundamental failures in government illuminated by the market crisis". Insomma, sostanziale parità: "We didn’t hear nearly as much detail as we would have liked. But the debate was a move toward a serious discussion of this country’s many problems. Americans need to hear more of that, and less of the tactical sparring, before going to the polls".

Pari anche per il "Wall Street Journal". "Neither candidate broke from talking points, neither one made a gaffe, and both men won on the grounds where they are most comfortable -- John McCain on foreign policy, and Barack Obama on domestic issues".

Per il futuro, cercasi maggior coraggio da entrambe le parti.